Source code for openfisca_core.populations.population

from __future__ import annotations

from openfisca_core.types import Array, Entity, Period, Role, Simulation
from typing import Dict, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Union
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

import traceback

import numpy

from openfisca_core import holders, periods, projectors

from . import config

[docs] class Population: simulation: Optional[Simulation] entity: Entity _holders: Dict[str, holders.Holder] count: int ids: Array[str] def __init__(self, entity: Entity) -> None: self.simulation = None self.entity = entity self._holders = {} self.count = 0 self.ids = [] def clone(self, simulation: Simulation) -> Population: result = Population(self.entity) result.simulation = simulation result._holders = { variable: holder.clone(result) for (variable, holder) in self._holders.items() } result.count = self.count result.ids = self.ids return result def empty_array(self) -> Array[float]: return numpy.zeros(self.count) def filled_array( self, value: Union[float, bool], dtype: Optional[numpy.dtype] = None, ) -> Union[Array[float], Array[bool]]: return numpy.full(self.count, value, dtype) def __getattr__(self, attribute: str) -> projectors.Projector: projector: Optional[projectors.Projector] projector = projectors.get_projector_from_shortcut(self, attribute) if isinstance(projector, projectors.Projector): return projector raise AttributeError( "You tried to use the '{}' of '{}' but that is not a known attribute.".format( attribute, self.entity.key ) ) def get_index(self, id: str) -> int: return self.ids.index(id) # Calculations def check_array_compatible_with_entity( self, array: Array[float], ) -> None: if self.count == array.size: return None raise ValueError( "Input {} is not a valid value for the entity {} (size = {} != {} = count)".format( array, self.entity.key, array.size, self.count ) ) def check_period_validity( self, variable_name: str, period: Optional[Union[int, str, Period]], ) -> None: if isinstance(period, (int, str, Period)): return None stack = traceback.extract_stack() filename, line_number, function_name, line_of_code = stack[-3] raise ValueError( """ You requested computation of variable "{}", but you did not specify on which period in "{}:{}": {} When you request the computation of a variable within a formula, you must always specify the period as the second parameter. The convention is to call this parameter "period". For example: computed_salary = person('salary', period). See more information at <>. """.format( variable_name, filename, line_number, line_of_code ) )
[docs] def __call__( self, variable_name: str, period: Optional[Union[int, str, Period]] = None, options: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> Optional[Array[float]]: """ Calculate the variable ``variable_name`` for the entity and the period ``period``, using the variable formula if it exists. Example: >>> person('salary', '2017-04') >>> array([300.]) :returns: A numpy array containing the result of the calculation """ if self.simulation is None: return None calculate: Calculate = Calculate( variable=variable_name, period=periods.period(period), option=options, ) self.entity.check_variable_defined_for_entity(calculate.variable) self.check_period_validity(calculate.variable, calculate.period) if not isinstance(calculate.option, Sequence): return self.simulation.calculate( calculate.variable, calculate.period, ) if config.ADD in calculate.option: return self.simulation.calculate_add( calculate.variable, calculate.period, ) if config.DIVIDE in calculate.option: return self.simulation.calculate_divide( calculate.variable, calculate.period, ) raise ValueError( "Options config.ADD and config.DIVIDE are incompatible (trying to compute variable {})".format( variable_name ).encode( "utf-8" ) )
# Helpers def get_holder(self, variable_name: str) -> holders.Holder: self.entity.check_variable_defined_for_entity(variable_name) holder = self._holders.get(variable_name) if holder: return holder variable = self.entity.get_variable(variable_name) self._holders[variable_name] = holder = holders.Holder(variable, self) return holder def get_memory_usage( self, variables: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> MemoryUsageByVariable: holders_memory_usage = { variable_name: holder.get_memory_usage() for variable_name, holder in self._holders.items() if variables is None or variable_name in variables } total_memory_usage = sum( holder_memory_usage["total_nb_bytes"] for holder_memory_usage in holders_memory_usage.values() ) return MemoryUsageByVariable( { "total_nb_bytes": total_memory_usage, "by_variable": holders_memory_usage, } )
[docs] @projectors.projectable def has_role(self, role: Role) -> Optional[Array[bool]]: """ Check if a person has a given role within its `GroupEntity` Example: >>> person.has_role(Household.CHILD) >>> array([False]) """ if self.simulation is None: return None self.entity.check_role_validity(role) group_population = self.simulation.get_population(role.entity.plural) if role.subroles: return numpy.logical_or.reduce( [group_population.members_role == subrole for subrole in role.subroles] ) else: return group_population.members_role == role
@projectors.projectable def value_from_partner( self, array: Array[float], entity: projectors.Projector, role: Role, ) -> Optional[Array[float]]: self.check_array_compatible_with_entity(array) self.entity.check_role_validity(role) if not role.subroles or not len(role.subroles) == 2: raise Exception( "Projection to partner is only implemented for roles having exactly two subroles." ) [subrole_1, subrole_2] = role.subroles value_subrole_1 = entity.value_from_person(array, subrole_1) value_subrole_2 = entity.value_from_person(array, subrole_2) return [self.has_role(subrole_1), self.has_role(subrole_2)], [value_subrole_2, value_subrole_1], )
[docs] @projectors.projectable def get_rank( self, entity: Population, criteria: Array[float], condition: bool = True, ) -> Array[int]: """ Get the rank of a person within an entity according to a criteria. The person with rank 0 has the minimum value of criteria. If condition is specified, then the persons who don't respect it are not taken into account and their rank is -1. Example: >>> age = person('age', period) # e.g [32, 34, 2, 8, 1] >>> person.get_rank(household, age) >>> [3, 4, 0, 2, 1] >>> is_child = person.has_role(Household.CHILD) # [False, False, True, True, True] >>> person.get_rank(household, - age, condition = is_child) # Sort in reverse order so that the eldest child gets the rank 0. >>> [-1, -1, 1, 0, 2] """ # If entity is for instance 'person.household', we get the reference entity 'household' behind the projector entity = ( entity if not isinstance(entity, projectors.Projector) else entity.reference_entity ) positions = entity.members_position biggest_entity_size = numpy.max(positions) + 1 filtered_criteria = numpy.where(condition, criteria, numpy.inf) ids = entity.members_entity_id # Matrix: the value in line i and column j is the value of criteria for the jth person of the ith entity matrix = numpy.asarray( [ entity.value_nth_person(k, filtered_criteria, default=numpy.inf) for k in range(biggest_entity_size) ] ).transpose() # We double-argsort all lines of the matrix. # Double-argsorting gets the rank of each value once sorted # For instance, if x = [3,1,6,4,0], y = numpy.argsort(x) is [4, 1, 0, 3, 2] (because the value with index 4 is the smallest one, the value with index 1 the second smallest, etc.) and z = numpy.argsort(y) is [2, 1, 4, 3, 0], the rank of each value. sorted_matrix = numpy.argsort(numpy.argsort(matrix)) # Build the result vector by taking for each person the value in the right line (corresponding to its household id) and the right column (corresponding to its position) result = sorted_matrix[ids, positions] # Return -1 for the persons who don't respect the condition return numpy.where(condition, result, -1)
class Calculate(NamedTuple): variable: str period: Period option: Optional[Sequence[str]] class MemoryUsageByVariable(TypedDict, total=False): by_variable: Dict[str, holders.MemoryUsage] total_nb_bytes: int