To find help


The OpenFisca community gathers around a Slack space, which you can ask to join by sending a mail to

This space provides community and official support and centralises all countries’ channels.

Channels and Naming conventions

The following prefixes are used before channel names to increase discoverability and ease of navigation:

  • of- prefixed channels are about quick discussions and requests for help on a technical module. GitHub issues and Pull Requests on dedicated repositories are employed to make decisions on changes to apply to these modules if any.

  • share- prefixed channels are newsrooms where everyone is encouraged to share their news, learnings and accomplishments.

The following suffix conventions are used on tax and benefit system models by OpenFisca for better clarity:

  • Channels that centralise discussion around a specific tax and benefit system are suffixed with -system. For example- france-system. *Note: If the full name is too long for the Slack channel character limit, then a shortened version of the name is used.

  • Channels that centralise discussions around extensions to tax and benefit systems are given that system’s module name, followed by -ext- and an identifier for that extension. For example- france-ext-paris.

  • Channels for the system-specific groups are campfires around which some specific organisations of contributors to a tax and benefit system gather. When a country becomes large enough, it so often happens that several contributors work concurrently on different parts of the system, and the main -system channel becomes unreadable. These channels are then modified by the system’s module name, followed by -org- and an identifier for that group. For example france-org-gouv.


Contact the OpenFisca maintainers through:

  • GitHub if you have any technical issues.

  • Twitter @OpenFisca for general inquiries and feedback.

  • Email for collaboration opportunities.