Using the /calculate endpoint

All the examples provided here are from the country package template.

In order to run a computation on the web API, you need to send the following information to the API in the JSON format:

  • The situation that describes the entities (e.g. individuals, households) that you want to base your calculations on.

  • The variable you need to compute.

Describing the situation

Describing entities

When describing situations to OpenFisca, follow these two rules:

  1. Every person has to belong to one of each group entity (e.g. household).

  2. Every person in a group entity needs a role (e.g. parent)

For example, if you wish to run a calculation on 2 households:

  • household_1 is composed of two adults;

  • household_2 is composed of one adult and one child.

  "persons": {
    "Ricarda": {},
    "Bob": {},
    "Bill": {},
    "Janet": {}
  "households": {
    "household_1": {
      "parents": [
        "Ricarda", "Bob"
    "household_2": {
      "parents": [

Adding information to entities

To run a precise calculation, you should provide information on each person and group entity.

These are the input variables of your simulation.

To provide an input variable, insert the value in the json, for the corresponding time period (e.g. 2015-06) and entity (e.g. person, household).

The time period must respect the definition period of the variable, and the entity must be the one the variable is defined for.

For example, if Ricarda has a salary (defined monthly for a Person) of 3500/month until september 2016, and 4000/month after that and if household_2 were tenants and became homeowners in March 2016 (housing_occupancy_status is defined monthly for a household) of the 57 sqm apartment they live in, you would write:

  "persons": {
    "Ricarda": {
      "salary": {
        "2016-01": 3500,
        "2016-02": 3500,
        "2016-03": 3500,
        "2016-04": 3500,
        "2016-05": 3500,
        "2016-06": 3500,
        "2016-07": 3500,
        "2016-08": 3500,
        "2016-09": 4000,
        "2016-10": 4000,
        "2016-11": 4000,
        "2016-12": 4000
    "Bob": {},
    "Bill": {},
    "Janet": {}
  "households": {
    "household_1": {
      "parents": [
        "Ricarda", "Bob"
    "household_2": {
      "parents": [
      "housing_occupancy_status": {
        "2016-01": "tenant",
        "2016-02": "tenant",
        "2016-03": "owner",
        "2016-04": "owner",
        "2016-05": "owner",
        "2016-06": "owner",
        "2016-07": "owner",
        "2016-08": "owner",
        "2016-09": "owner",
        "2016-10": "owner",
        "2016-11": "owner",
        "2016-12": "owner"
      "accommodation_size": {
        "2016-01": 57,
        "2016-02": 57,
        "2016-03": 57,
        "2016-04": 57,
        "2016-05": 57,
        "2016-06": 57,
        "2016-07": 57,
        "2016-08": 57,
        "2016-09": 57,
        "2016-10": 57,
        "2016-11": 57,
        "2016-12": 57

Note that due to the default value system in OpenFisca, the variables that have not been defined explicitly are either calculated or take on their default value.

Computing a variable

Once you have described the situation, you can compute all variables in the Country Package.

To indicate you want a variable computed, insert the variable in the corresponding entity and indicate the time period followed by the term null.

for example, to compute Ricarda’s june income tax (defined monthly for a person) and household_2’s housing tax (defined yearly for a household), you would write:

  "persons": {
    "Ricarda": {
      "salary": {
        "2016-01": 3500,
        "2016-02": 3500,
        "2016-03": 3500,
        "2016-04": 3500,
        "2016-05": 3500,
        "2016-06": 3500,
        "2016-07": 3500,
        "2016-08": 3500,
        "2016-09": 4000,
        "2016-10": 4000,
        "2016-11": 4000,
        "2016-12": 4000
      "income_tax": {
        "2016-06": null
    "Bob": {},
    "Bill": {},
    "Janet": {}
  "households": {
    "household_1": {
      "parents": [
        "Ricarda", "Bob"
    "household_2": {
      "parents": [
      "housing_occupancy_status": {
        "2016-01": "tenant",
        "2016-02": "tenant",
        "2016-03": "owner",
        "2016-04": "owner",
        "2016-05": "owner",
        "2016-06": "owner",
        "2016-07": "owner",
        "2016-08": "owner",
        "2016-09": "owner",
        "2016-10": "owner",
        "2016-11": "owner",
        "2016-12": "owner"
      "accommodation_size": {
        "2016-01": 57,
        "2016-02": 57,
        "2016-03": 57,
        "2016-04": 57,
        "2016-05": 57,
        "2016-06": 57,
        "2016-07": 57,
        "2016-08": 57,
        "2016-09": 57,
        "2016-10": 57,
        "2016-11": 57,
        "2016-12": 57
      "housing_tax": {
        "2016": null

Understanding the result

The API will return an identical JSON file where all the null values (the variables that you asked OpenFisca to compute) have been replaced with their computed values.

  "persons": {
    "Ricarda": {
      "salary": {
        "2016-01": 3500,
        "2016-02": 3500,
        "2016-03": 3500,
        "2016-04": 3500,
        "2016-05": 3500,
        "2016-06": 3500,
        "2016-07": 3500,
        "2016-08": 3500,
        "2016-09": 4000,
        "2016-10": 4000,
        "2016-11": 4000,
        "2016-12": 4000
      "income_tax": {
        "2016-06": 525
    "Bob": {},
    "Bill": {},
    "Janet": {}
  "households": {
    "household_1": {
      "parents": [
    "household_2": {
      "parents": [
      "children": [
      "housing_occupancy_status": {
        "2016-01": "tenant",
        "2016-02": "tenant",
        "2016-03": "owner",
        "2016-04": "owner",
        "2016-05": "owner",
        "2016-06": "owner",
        "2016-07": "owner",
        "2016-08": "owner",
        "2016-09": "owner",
        "2016-10": "owner",
        "2016-11": "owner",
        "2016-12": "owner"
      "accommodation_size": {
        "2016-01": 57,
        "2016-02": 57,
        "2016-03": 57,
        "2016-04": 57,
        "2016-05": 57,
        "2016-06": 57,
        "2016-07": 57,
        "2016-08": 57,
        "2016-09": 57,
        "2016-10": 57,
        "2016-11": 57,
        "2016-12": 57
      "housing_tax": {
        "2016": 570

Note that elements might appear in a different order in the response. However the structure of the JSON stays the same.