Install a country package

This section is a guide on how to install the OpenFisca-Country-Template packaged library.

These instructions should be able to be followed for any OpenFisca country package that has published their package on

It’s the minimal installation required to run a country package without the intention of contributing to it. If the use case also requires contributing to the model, please follow the access a country’s source code section.

Install OpenFisca-Country-Template packaged library

OpenFisca runs with Python. The following steps call pip package installer which requires a Python installation. To check its installation or install it, first check the Installation requirements.

When other Python projects exist in the intended environment, it is recommended to create a new virtual environment to avoid dependency conflicts. Here is more information from OpenFisca-Country-Template documentation.

To install the latest OpenFisca-Country-Template published revision, run the following command in the environment’s terminal:

pip install OpenFisca-Country-Template

It should complete without any errors. To check the installed packages run the following command:

pip list

OpenFisca-Country-Template should be in the list indicating that it is installed and ready to run simulations.