Type alias for an array of bytes.
Type for bool arrays.
Type for bytes arrays.
Type for date arrays.
Type for Enum arrays.
Type for float arrays.
Type for “generic” arrays.
Type for int arrays.
Type for “object” arrays.
Type for string arrays.
Type alias for an array of dates.
alias of ndarray
, dtype
A type representing a mapping of flat traces.
alias of dict
[NodeKey, FlatTraceMap]
Type alias for an array of floats.
Type alias for an array of enum indices.
Type alias for an array of integers.
Type alias for an array of objects.
A type representing a node of parameters.
alias of ParameterNodeAtInstant
| VectorialParameterNodeAtInstant
A type representing a ???
alias of ParameterNodeAtInstant
| VectorialParameterNodeAtInstant
| Sequence
Type alias for a period-like object.
A type representing a mapping of serialized traces.
alias of dict
[NodeKey, SerializedTraceMap]
A stack of simple traces.
alias of list
Type alias for an array of strings.
A type representing a unit time.
Type alias for an array of generic objects.
Matches “2015”, “2015-W01”, “2015-W53-1” but not “2015-W54”, “2015-W10-8”.
Matches “2015”, “2015-01”, “2015-01-01” but not “2015-13”, “2015-12-32”.